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PGDC Liability Waiver: If you have NOT returned your PGDC Liability Waiver form - please sign and return asap--Your child will be asked to sit during class until a form is completed and returned.


Dance School Etiquette: Parents- in order to fully utilize our class time, please make sure your little dancer has taken care of their bathroom needs prior to attending class. Any medical issues must be brought to our attention; please let us know so accommodations can be made. NO drinks or snacks allowed in studio if dancers are in the studio for less than 2 hours. ONLY WATER BOTTLES (with closing caps) for students dancing for several hours in a day! 


Studio Parking Pick-Up: Please pull all the way up in parking spots, especially if you drive a large truck or SUV. NEVER park in the turn around! Please drive very slowly. NEVER ALLOW YOUR YOUNG CHILDREN TO WALK OR PLAY IN PARKING LOT UNATTENDED. 






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